Successfully establishing a culture of innovation using the example of digital price labeling
Executive Summary
The success of a digitization project is measured in key figures. What is neglected in the process: Digitization projects spark far-reaching effects on your organization and employees. But in order to implement a digital project, prerequisites must be created. Based on project experience, we describe success factors.
We show central procedures for a digitization project using the example of the introduction of digital price labeling. These include reviewing the corporate vision and anchoring digitization projects in the company's mission statement.
You will receive impulses and benefit from the experience of the authors who, as project managers, are implementing digitization projects in the automotive industry in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
Part of the big picture: A digitization project does not stand on its own
The reasons for carrying out a digitization project vary: It can be the needs of customers or employees, the desire for an attractive external image of the company or the need to want or even have to make the business more digital in the future.
Let's take a look at the experiences from the projects for the introduction of digital price labeling: If the employees are aware of the value of the project, the probability of successful project implementation and use in everyday life increases.
Because project managers, project participants, and users of digital pricing are forging new paths. For these paths to be accepted and followed, the meaning and purpose must be understood.
Can all stakeholders intuitively answer the question, "Why is the adoption and use of digital pricing important?"
The project to introduce digital pricing does not stand alone. Name and communicate the impact of the project on your company's vision.
People as a success factor: Digitization by and for your employees
Let's assume you decide in favor of digital price labeling. Central success factor for the success of the project: Starting with the management, through the middle management to the employees. The people who bring your company to life will make the difference in the digital price labeling project.
This is because the project changes existing processes and introduces new elements into users' everyday lives. For this to be successful, the employees affected must be guided and empowered.
Throughout the project, this communication is not a one-way street: listen to your employees, value their feedback, systematically record the feedback, and reflect on the content.
Throughout the project, this communication is not a one-way street: listen to your employees, value their feedback, systematically record the feedback, and reflect on the content.
Your employees will appreciate the appreciation, understanding and active participation you have shown in the digitization project.
Our suggestion: Start concretely

A culture of innovation is not created when you think about concepts. A culture of innovation is shaped and develops when you implement concrete digitization projects with your organization, such as the introduction of digital price labeling.
The focus during implementation is not only on the success of the project, but also on the way in which it is carried out and the effect it has on you and your employees.
Leverage top management support for the project. Start by reviewing your vision, mission statement and corporate strategy.
Are they formulated in a forward-looking way?
From the employees' perspective: Does the alignment spark inspiration and ambition? Revise vision, mission statement and strategy as needed. With coaching or interactive workshops, we support you personally or, in a participatory format, the Leadership Team.
Summarized for you:
Explain the purpose of your digitization project to your employees. Anchor the project in the company's strategy. In practice: Can all employees answer the question of why digital pricing is a key step for the dealership?
By placing the digitization project in the direction of the company, you enable employees to identify with the individual projects.
In short, they stimulate personal initiative.
Leaders activate a willingness to innovate and shape employee attitudes. Use the opportunity to empower your employees to act with professional explanations and inspiration.
Use digitization projects such as the introduction of digital price labeling to act more digitally on the one hand - and to have a value-creating influence on your company, employees and innovation culture on the other.