Digital Price Tag Porsche Design Animated
Better from the market leader

Digital price tags for car dealerships

DiCoSo is the market leader with over 55,000 digital price tags installed in the automotive market. Thanks to DiCoSo's electronic price tags, car dealerships shorten holding time and effectively reduce costs and time expenditure.

Whether digital docket, vehicle localization or price management - electronic price tags are the basis for digital process optimization.

Learn more
Because time is money.

Change your prices
fully automated.

Gone are the days when changing car prices required an enormous amount of time.
In a dealership, changing the price of a single car takes an average of 10 to 15 minutes - with digital price tags, it's just a touch of a button.

ANALOG - 10/15 minutes
price tag
DIGITAL - 1 button press
Price on display
in vehicle

Technology from the market leader

DiCoSo works with one of the leading manufacturers of Electronic Shelf Labels and can therefore offer the highest standard of security, quality, technology, functionality and availability.

The Electronic Shelf Labels use the patented E-Ink technology, which operates on the principle of electrophoresis. E-Ink technology is distinguished by excellent energy efficiency and durability.

Electronic price tag 7.5" hardware
Electronic display 7.5" Top
of vehicles
Our displays offer an integrated GPS module for localization to locate your vehicles at any time.
No infrastructure
required for NB-IoT

Thanks to state-of-the-art technology, our NB-IoT series requires no additional installation of gateways or infrastructure.

High temperature

Our displays are characterized by high temperature resistance and are specially designed for use in extreme heat and cold.

energy efficiency

Our technology is particularly energy-efficient: 8-10 months are possible thanks to our intelligent energy-saving technology.

Levels of technology

Digital price tags - components

Our digital price tags are specially designed for use in car dealerships. The price tag consists of three components - a design foil in your design, a carrier plate for attaching the tag to the vehicle and the electronic price tag.

design foil

Specially developed films enable flexible use and design changes.


We create an appealing design for the foil, the display mounting and the display of the electronic price tag.


We offer various options for positioning the display in your vehicle.


We work strictly according to the manufacturer's specifications. All our designs comply with current standards.

More than just a
price tag

Our electronic price tag can do more than just display prices.
Shorten your holding time with customized templates.

Electronic price tag 7.5"
Lifecycle 1 - Before Car is For Sale

In preparation

Clearly display each work step and the most important information in the vehicle for the team working on the vehicle.

Electronic price tag gateway
Lifecycle 2 - Car is For Sale

On sale

Present price, finance information and equipment highly engaging way and generate leads with a Digital Expose.

DSA localization
Lifecycle 3 - Car is Sold

Is sold

If the vehicle is sold, you can set the status of the vehicle to "Sold" and offer an alternative vehicle via QR code.

Integrated GPS module. Never search for
vehicles again.

Thanks to the integrated GPS module, you can use our electronic price tags to locate the vehicles in your dealership to the precise meter. In addition to simple localization, we also offer process-optimizing modules such as Geo Zones, Geo Fence and Location History.

Geo Zone - Entrance
911 4S
09/06/2024 - 16:31

Better organization
with Geo Zones

The geo-zone function makes it possible to precisely record the entry and exit of a vehicle in certain zones.

The system sends notifications when a vehicle enters or leaves a specific zone, which contributes to better organization of work processes and significantly reduces the "downtime" of vehicles.

More security
Thanks to Geo Fence

The system sends a notification when a vehicle leaves defined areas. These geofenced areas are time- and rule-based, offering a wide range of possible applications.

Geo Fence Alarm - Leave fence
911 4S
09/06/2024 - 23:11
Entrance: Autohaus Muster
24/03/2024 - 13:30h
Exit: Autohaus Muster
25/03/2024 - 09:23h
Entrance: Meyer paint shop
25/03/2024 - 10:02h
Exit: Meyer paint shop
27/03/2024 - 16:30h

Location history for the optimization of processes

Our advanced in-dealership vehicle tracking system captures and logs every time a vehicle enters or leaves a zone, giving dealerships a complete overview of vehicle activity.

Optimize your processes and evaluate the different idle times in dedicated areas.

You want to locate vehicles in your dealerships? Find vehicles in standing time 1, 2 and 3 with your Digital Price Tags now!

Parking lot
20.01.22 - 15:31

Digital task management across all lifecycles - now with the Digital Docket. Can be used in combination with Digital Price Tags.

Dent door front right
Front left bumper
Paint shop
Scratch door front left

You only want to localize your vehicles?

You only want to localize certain vehicles - for example service or workshop vehicles? We have developed the EPS Tracking Companion for this purpose.

Cost-effective and efficient, it helps you to locate vehicles on your premises. Via the QR code, for example, the current status of the vehicle can be retrieved in the digital routing slip.

Inform now
Car Companion

Advantages of electronic
price tags in the car dealership

6 - 9 months
Return on investment

90 %

Find vehicles faster

> 66 %

Savings compared to analog
And these are only three reasons! We would be happy to present our system to you in a personal appointment.
Sales module
Operations module
Marketing module
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